In a groundbreaking series of announcements, Nigeria’s Minister of Communication, Dr. ‘Bosun Tijani has unveiled a strategic roadmap for Nigeria’s AI Ecosystem aimed at catapulting the nation into the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation. The nation has taken a significant leap forward with the initial draft of the National AI Strategy (NAIS), marking a milestone in Nigeria’s technological advancement.

    Through a collaborative effort with industry leaders and stakeholders, Nigeria is embarking on an ambitious endeavor to harness the power of AI for national development.

    Nigeria AI Collective

    In a groundbreaking move, the Nigeria AI Collective has been launched, a vibrant community of practice dedicated to propelling Nigeria towards a prosperous future through an inclusive AI ecosystem. Sponsored by the Luminate Group and hosted by NCAIR Nigeria, the collective is managed by esteemed institutions including LBS Nigeria, DSN AI Network, and CJID Africa.

    Nigeria AI Collective
    Nigeria AI Collective
    Nigeria AI Collective
    Nigeria AI Collective barcode

    AI researchers, practitioners, academia, government officials, civil society organizations, startups, entrepreneurs, students, and AI enthusiasts are invited to join the collective to harness the power of AI. This initiative is a call to action for those passionate about AI to contribute to Nigeria’s AI development.

    Nigeria’s Computing Infrastructure Pilot

    The second announcement highlights a partnership between 21st Century Technologies, Galaxy Backbone, and NCAIR Nigeria to bolster the development of AI projects that serve the national interest. With the support of 21st Century Technology, the acquisition of GPUs will enhance Nigeria’s national computing capacity, providing local researchers, startups, and government entities with the necessary resources to undertake critical AI projects.

    Nigeria’s Multilingual Large Language Model

    Nigeria takes a leap forward in linguistic diversity with the launch of its Multilingual Large Language Model (LLM). Crafted through a strategic partnership involving Awarri Tech,, NITDA Nigeria, and NCAIR Nigeria, this innovative model is set to revolutionize AI by incorporating five low-resource languages and accented English. Backed by over 7,000 fellows from the MTT Nigeria program, the LLM promises to enhance language representation in AI datasets, paving the way for inclusive and impactful AI solutions.

    Nigeria’s Multilingual Large Language Model
    Nigeria’s Multilingual Large Language Model

    NCAIR Relaunch: A Beacon of AI and Robotics Innovation

    Lastly, the relaunch of NCAIR Nigeria signifies a renewed commitment to AI and robotics research and development. With enhanced capabilities supported by CISCO, NCAIR stands as a unique institution in Africa, dedicated to fostering innovation in AI, robotics, UAV, and IoT for applications that align with Nigeria’s national interests.

    Nigeria’s dive into AI is a big deal for its tech progress. With teamwork, key partnerships, and non-stop innovation, Nigeria is getting ready to use AI for everyone’s benefit. As the country steps into this new chapter, everyone is eager to see the amazing changes it’ll bring.
