The Quran Explorer Guide, The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed to be the direct word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) through the angel Gabriel. It is a comprehensive guide to living a righteous life, encompassing spiritual, social, and ethical teachings. With over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide, the Quran serves as the cornerstone of their faith and provides guidance in all aspects of life.

The Qurʾān, meaning “Recitation” in Arabic, is the holy scripture of Islam. According to conventional Islamic belief, the Qurʾān was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in the West Arabian towns of Mecca and Medina, starting in 610 and concluding with Muhammad’s death in 632 CE. The term “qurʾān” is derived from the Arabic verb “qaraʾa,” meaning “to read” or “to recite.” There is also a likely connection with the Syriac term “qeryānā,” signifying “reading” and used for the recitation of scriptural passages during church services.
Quran Explorer
The Qurʾānic corpus, composed in an early form of Classical Arabic, is traditionally regarded as a literal transcript of God’s speech. It is believed to constitute the earthly reproduction of an uncreated and eternal heavenly original, often referred to in the Qurʾān itself as “the well-preserved tablet” (al-lawḥ al-mahfūẓ; Qurʾān 85:22). The revelation spans a period from 610 to 632 CE and covers various aspects of guidance for individual conduct, legal principles, moral values, and narratives about previous prophets.
The Qurʾān is held in high esteem by Muslims worldwide and is considered the ultimate source of authority and guidance. Its verses are recited in Arabic during daily prayers, and its teachings form the basis for Islamic law and morality. The Qurʾān plays a central role in the lives of Muslims, shaping their beliefs, practices, and worldview.
Delving into the Quran
The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, or surahs, each further divided into verses, or ayats. The verses address many different subjects, such as:
- Belief in God: The Quran emphasizes the oneness of God and the importance of submitting to His will. Belief in Allah, or faith in God, is a fundamental tenet of Islam, the monotheistic Abrahamic religion followed by Muslims. The term “Allah” is the Arabic word for God and is used exclusively in Islam to refer to the one and only deity. The concept of belief in Allah encompasses various aspects, reflecting the core principles of Islamic faith:
- Monotheism (Tawhid): The central and defining belief in Islam is the absolute oneness of Allah. Muslims affirm that there is only one God, and associating partners with Allah (shirk) is considered the most significant sin.
- Attributes of Allah: Muslims believe in the divine attributes of Allah, as described in the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These attributes include qualities like mercy, justice, wisdom, and omnipotence.
- Prophethood: Belief in Allah involves acknowledging the messengers and prophets sent by God to guide humanity. This includes figures like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the final prophet, Muhammad (S.A.W).
- Revelations: Muslims believe that Allah communicated His guidance to humanity through sacred scriptures, with the Quran being the final and complete revelation. Previous scriptures, such as the Torah and the Bible, are also respected but are considered to have been altered over time.
- Divine Decree (Qadar): Muslims believe in Allah’s divine decree and predestination. This encompasses the concept that everything happens according to Allah’s will, and He is aware of all things past, present, and future.
- Accountability and Judgment: Belief in Allah entails acknowledging the Day of Judgment when all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds. Those who have followed Allah’s guidance and lived righteously will be rewarded with eternal paradise, while those who have rejected faith and committed wrongdoing will face consequences.
- Belief in Allah is the core foundation of a Muslim’s life, guiding their actions, ethics, and worldview. It involves a deep and sincere commitment to worshiping and submitting to the will of the one true God, Allah, and seeking His guidance in all aspects of life.
- Prophets and messengers: The Quran narrates the stories of various prophets and messengers sent by God to guide humanity.
- Angels and the unseen world: The Quran provides insights into the existence of angels and the unseen world, emphasizing their role in God’s creation.
- Hereafter and Day of Judgment: The Quran describes the afterlife, the Day of Judgment, and the rewards and punishments that await humanity.
- Moral and ethical principles: The Quran lays down moral and ethical principles for individuals and societies, promoting justice, compassion, and good deeds.
- Religious practices and rituals: The Quran outlines the core religious practices and rituals of Islam, such as prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage.
Navigating the Quran
Reading and understanding the Quran can be a daunting task for beginners. However, with the right approach and resources, anyone can embark on this enriching journey. Here are some tips for navigating the Quran:
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- Start with translations: If you are not fluent in Arabic, begin by reading translations of the Quran in your preferred language.
- Utilize commentaries: Consult commentaries and tafsirs to gain deeper insights into the meaning and interpretation of the verses.
- Attend Quranic classes: Enroll in Quranic classes to learn proper recitation and gain guidance from knowledgeable teachers.
- Engage with the community: Join Quran study circles or online forums to discuss and reflect on the Quran’s teachings.
The Quran’s Enduring Wisdom
The Quran’s wisdom and guidance have transcended time and cultures, providing a timeless source of inspiration and direction for Muslims worldwide. Its teachings promote peace, justice, and compassion, emphasizing the importance of living a life of purpose and integrity.
Whether you are a devout Muslim seeking to deepen your understanding of your faith or an individual curious about the Quran’s teachings, exploring this sacred text can be a transformative and enriching experience. Embrace the Quran’s wisdom and allow its guidance to illuminate your path towards a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Who was the first to collect the Quran?
Following the death of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in 632 CE, the first caliph, Abu Bakr (d. 634), made the decision to compile the Quran into a single volume to ensure its preservation. Zayd ibn Thabit (d. 655) played a pivotal role in this effort as he was entrusted with the task of collecting the Quran, given his role in transcribing the Divine Inspiration for Allah’s Apostle.
Who was the first person to finish the Quran?
On the other hand, certain Shia Muslims hold the belief that Ali ibn Abi Talib was the initial individual to compile the Quran into a single written text. According to this perspective, this compilation was accomplished shortly after the death of Muhammad.
What was the first Quran on earth?
The Birmingham Qur’an manuscript stands as one of the earliest surviving fragments of the Qur’an, representing a rare artifact in the world of Islamic manuscripts. Notably, it is among only a few early Qur’anic manuscripts that have undergone radiocarbon dating, a scientific method used to determine the age of organic materials. The manuscript provides valuable insights into the early transmission of the Qur’an and contributes to the understanding of the historical development of Islamic scripture.
Who was the first man to translate Quran?
Translations of the Qur’an first emerged in the 17th and 19th centuries, primarily undertaken by non-Muslims. However, a significant surge in translation efforts has occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries. The earliest documented English translation, titled “The Alcoran,” dates back to 1649 and is attributed to Alexander Ross, who served as chaplain to King Charles I.
Which is older Quran or Bible?
Recognizing that narratives akin to those found in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament predate the Quran, scholars explore the parallels among these Islamic, Jewish, and Christian texts. Muslims, guided by their faith, perceive the Quran as direct knowledge bestowed by the Creator of existence.

This acknowledgment of shared stories across religious traditions underscores the interconnections among Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Scholars often engage in comparative studies to trace the common threads and divergences in these sacred texts, shedding light on the historical and cultural intersections that have shaped the Abrahamic faiths.
For Muslims, the Quran is regarded not only as a literary and historical continuum with earlier scriptures but also as a distinctive and final revelation. The belief in the Quran as the direct word of God, revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, is foundational to Islamic theology. This divine origin, as Muslims believe, differentiates the Quran from previous scriptures, emphasizing its uniqueness and completeness in guiding believers in matters of faith, morality, and conduct.
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