Angels are often depicted as human-like beings with wings and halos, but is this how they appear in the Bible? The truth is, biblically accurate angels are much more diverse and complex than what we see in popular culture. In this article, we will explore the different types of angels mentioned in the Bible, their roles and functions, and their appearances and descriptions.
Types of Angels in the Bible
The Bible mentions several types of angels, each with a specific purpose and function. Some of the most commonplace ones are:

These are the highest-ranking angels who surround God’s throne and worship Him. They have six wings: to cowl their faces, to cowl their feet, and to fly. They also have fiery eyes and voices that shake the temple (Isaiah 6:2–3).

These are the second-highest-ranking angels who guard God’s holiness and glory. They have four faces: one of a human, one of a lion, one of an ox, and one of an eagle. They also have four wings, human hands, and feet like calves. They are accompanied by wheels or rings covered with eyes (Ezekiel 10:1-22).

These are the leaders of the angelic army who fight against evil and deliver God’s messages. The Bible names two of them: Michael and Gabriel. Michael is the chief of the archangels who protects God’s people and defeats Satan (Daniel 10:13; Revelation 12:7-9). Gabriel is the messenger of the archangels who announces God’s plans and prophecies (Daniel 8:16; Luke 1:19–26).
Guardian angels

These are the angels who watch over and protect God’s children. The Bible does not explicitly name them, but it implies their existence and function. For example, Jesus said that the angels of the little ones always see the face of God (Matthew 18:10). The writer of Hebrews also said that angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14).
Appearances and Descriptions of Angels in the Bible
As we have seen, biblically accurate angels are not always human-like. They can have various forms, shapes, and features that reflect their nature and mission. Some of the characteristics of angels in the Bible are:
- They are spirit beings who do not have physical bodies, but they can take on human form when they appear to people (Hebrews 13:2).
- They are powerful and mighty, but they are not omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent. They are subject to God’s authority and will (Psalm 103:20; 2 Peter 2:11).
- They are holy and righteous, but they are not sinless or perfect. Some of them rebelled against God and became fallen angels or demons (Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:4).
- They are numerous and diverse, but they are not equal or identical. They have different ranks, roles, and names (Daniel 7:10; Revelation 5:11).
Other questions about biblically accurate angels and their answers
- Q: What are the names of the seven archangels?
- A: The Bible only mentions two archangels by name: Michael and Gabriel. Some traditions, such as Catholicism and Judaism, also include Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and Remiel. However, these names are not found in the canonical scriptures but in apocryphal or non-canonical books, such as the Book of Enoch and the Book of Tobit.
- Q: What are the biblically accurate angels that look like wheels?
- A: These are the thrones, or ophanim, a type of angel that is associated with God’s justice and authority. They are described as wheels or rings that are full of eyes and move with the cherubim. They are also called the “many-eyed ones” or the “eye of God” (Ezekiel 1:15–21; 10:9–17).
- Q: What are the biblically accurate angels that have four wings and four faces?
- A: These are the cherubim, a type of angel that is associated with God’s holiness and glory. They are defined as having four faces: certainly considered one among humans, certainly considered one among lions, certainly considered one among oxen, and certainly considered one among eagles. They also have four wings, human hands, and feet like calves. They guard the entrance of the Garden of Eden, the Ark of the Covenant, and the throne of God (Genesis 3:24; Exodus 25:18–22; Ezekiel 10:1-22).
- Who is the king of all angels?
- A: The king of all angels is not a clear title in the Bible, but some possible candidates are Michael and Metatron. Michael is an archangel who leads the heavenly army and fights against Satan. He is also called the Taxiarch, which means the supreme commander. Metatron is an angel who appears in some non-canonical texts. He is the highest of all the angels, the scribe of God, and the prince of the world. He is also said to be the transformed Enoch, who was taken up to heaven.
- Q: What color are angels in the Bible?
- A: Angels are not one color in the Bible but may have different colors based on their type, role, and appearance. Some angels may be bright, shining, or fiery, which may mean white, yellow, orange, or red. These colors may show God’s glory, power, and holiness, as well as His judgment, wrath, and purification. Some examples of these angels are the seraphim, the cherubim, and the angel of the Lord. Other angels may be human-like, which may mean brown, black, or olive. These colors may show God’s diversity, dignity, and similarity in humans, as well as His compassion, mercy, and grace. Some examples of these angels are the angel who appeared to Hagar, the angel who wrestled with Jacob, and the angel who visited Gideon.
Biblically accurate angels are not what we usually imagine them to be. They are diverse and complex beings who serve God and His people in various ways. They have different forms, functions, and names that reflect their nature and mission. They are also powerful, holy, and numerous, but they are not equal to God or His children. They are His creation and His servants, and they deserve our respect and gratitude.
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